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02 June 2018

Margaret of Valois, Queen of Henry IV of France - BRITTON-IMAGES
src: britton-images.com

Margaret of Valois (French: Marguerite, 14 May 1553 - 27 March 1615), commonly Margot, was a French princess of the Valois dynasty who became queen consort of Navarre and later also of France.

By her marriage to Henry III of Navarre (later Henry IV of France), she was queen of Navarre and then France at her husband's 1589 accession to the latter throne. Their marriage was annulled in 1599 by decision of the Pope. She was the daughter of King Henry II of France and Catherine de' Medici and the sister of kings Francis II, Charles IX and Henry III.

Her marriage, which was to celebrate the reconciliation of Catholics and Huguenots, was tarnished by St Bartholomew's Day massacre and the resumption of the religious troubles which ensued. In the conflict between Henry III and the Malcontents, she took the side of Francis, Duke of Anjou, her younger brother, and this caused a deep aversion of the king against her.

As Queen of Navarre, she also played a pacifying role in the stormy relations between her husband and the French monarchy. Ballotted between the two courts, she endeavored to lead a happy conjugal life, but the sterility of her couple and the political tensions inherent in the French Wars of Religion caused the end of her marriage. Mistreated by a shadowy brother and rejected by an opportunistic husband, she chose the path of the opposition in 1585. She took the side of the Catholic League and was forced to live in Auvergne in an exile which lasted twenty years.

A well-known woman of letters and an enlightened mind as well as an extremely generous patron, she played a considerable part in the cultural life of the court, especially after her return from exile in 1605. She was a vector of Neoplatonism, which preached the supremacy of platonic love over physical love. While imprisoned, she took advantage of the time to write her Memoirs. She was the first woman to have done it. She was indeed one of the most fashionable women of her time, and influenced many of Europe's royal courts with her clothing.

She has been a victim of a historiographic tradition that has demolished the importance of her actions in the political sphere of the era, to reinforce the dynastic transition from the Valois to the Bourbon, giving credit to libel and slander circulated on her account and created and handed down through the centuries the myth of a beautiful woman, cultured, nymphomaniac and incestuous. This legend has crystallized around the famous nickname Queen Margot (La Reine Margot), invented by Alexandre Dumas, père.

Video Margaret of Valois


Early life

Margaret of Valois was born on May 14, 1553, at the royal Château de Saint-Germain-en-Laye, the seventh child and third daughter of Henry II and Catherine de' Medici. Three of her brothers would become kings of France: Francis II, Charles IX and Henry III. Her sister, Elisabeth of Valois, would become the third wife of King Philip II of Spain.

Her childhood was spent in the French royal nursery of the Château de Saint-Germain-en-Laye with her sisters Elisabeth and Claude, under the care of Charlotte de Vienne, baronne de Courton, "a wise and virtuous lady greatly attached to the Catholic religion". After her sisters' weddings, Margaret grew up in the Château d'Amboise with her brothers Henry and Francis. During her childhood, her brother Charles IX gave her the nickname of Margot.

At the French court, she studied grammar, classics, history and Holy Scripture. Margaret learned to speak Italian, Spanish, Latin and Greek in addition to her native French. She was competent also in prose, poetry, horsemanship and dance. She traveled with her family and the court in the grand tour of France (1564-1566). During this period Margaret had direct experience of the dangerous and complex political situation in France, and learned from her mother the art of political mediation.

In 1565, Catherine met with Philip II's chief minister the Duke of Alba at Bayonne in hopes of arranging a marriage between Margaret and Carlos, Prince of Asturias. However, Alba refused any consideration of a dynastic marriage. Other marriage negotiations with Sebastian of Portugal and Archduke Rudolf also did not succeed.

During her teenage years, she and her brother Henry were very close friends. In 1568, leaving court to command the royal armies, he entrusted his 15-year-old sister with the defense of his interests with their mother.

His words inspired me with resolution and powers I did not think myself possessed of before. I had naturally a degree of courage, and, as soon as I recovered from my astonishment, I found I was quite an altered person. His address pleased me, and wrought in me a confidence in myself; and I found I was become of more consequence than I had ever conceived I had been.

Delighted with this mission, she fulfilled it conscientiously, but Henry showed no gratitude upon his return, according to her Memoirs. He had discovered Margaret's secret affair with Henry of Guise (son of the late Duke of Guise) and their presumptive plan of marriage. Some historians have hinted that the duke was Margaret's lover, but nothing confirms this theory. When Catherine found this out, she had her daughter brought from her bed. Catherine and Charles then beat her and sent Henry of Guise away from court.

This episode is perhaps at the root of a "lasting brotherly hatred" between Margaret and her brother Henry, as well as the equally lasting cooling of relations with her mother.

St. Bartholomew's Day massacre

By 1570, Catherine de' Medici was seeking a marriage between Margaret and Henry of Navarre, a Huguenot (French Calvinist Protestant). It was hoped this union would reunite family ties, as the Bourbons were part of the French Royal family and the closest relatives to the reigning Valois branch, and create harmony between Catholics and Huguenots.

On 11 April 1572, Margaret was betrothed to Henry of Navarre. In one of her letters to Henry, his mother the queen of Navarre Jeanne d'Albret, wrote about Margaret: "she has frankly owned to me the favourable impression which she has formed of you. With her beauty and wit, she exercises a great influence over the Queen-Mother and the King, and Messieurs her younger brothers."

The marriage of the 19-year-old Margaret to Henry, who had become King of Navarre upon the death of his mother, Jeanne d'Albret, took place on 18 August 1572 at Notre Dame cathedral in Paris. The marriage between a Roman Catholic and a Huguenot was controversial. Pope Gregory XIII refused to grant a dispensation for the wedding, and the different faiths of the bridal couple made for an unusual wedding service. The King of Navarre had to remain outside the cathedral during the mass, where his place was taken by Duke of Anjou.

François Eudes de Mézeray, a 17th century historian, invented the legend that Margaret was forced to marry the King of Navarre with a little push at the back of her head by her brother Charles IX. This is one of the anecdotes that created the myth of the "Reine Margot."

Just six days after the wedding, on St. Bartholomew's Day, Roman Catholic factions instigated a targeted group of assassinations, followed by a wave of mob violence, both directed against the Huguenots.

Traditionally believed to have been instigated by Catherine de' Medici, the marriage was an occasion on which many of the most wealthy and prominent Huguenots had gathered in largely-Catholic Paris. That took place during the period 1562 to 1598, known as the French Wars of Religion, with factional disputes between the aristocratic houses of France, such as the House of Bourbon and the House of Guise (Lorraine). Henry of Navarre had to feign conversion to Catholicism.

In her Memoirs Margaret remembered that she saved the lives of several prominent Protestants, during the massacre, by keeping them in her rooms and refusing to admit the assassins. Her eye-witness about the massacre in Memoirs is the only one coming from the royal family. These facts inspired Alexandre Dumas for his famous novel La Reine Margot (1845).

After St Bartholomew's Day, Catherine de' Medici proposed to Margaret that the marriage be annulled, but she replied that this was impossible because she had already had sexual relations with Henry and was "in every sense" his wife. Later she wrote in her Memoirs: "I suspected the design of separating me from my husband was in order to work some mischief against him."

In the libelle Le Réveil-matin des Français written by an anonymous Huguenot author in 1574 against the royal family, Margaret was accused for the first time of incest with her brother Henry. This slander is another of the anecdotes about the myth of the "Reine Margot."

Malcontent conspiracy

In 1573, Charles IX's fragile mental state and constitution deteriorated further, but the heir presumptive, his brother Henry, was elected king of Poland. Due to Henry's support of suppressing Protestant worship, moderate Catholic lords, called Malcontents, supported a plot to raise Charles' youngest brother, Francis of Alençon, to the throne of France instead. Alençon appeared willing to compromise in religious affairs, making him an appealing option to those tired of violence. Allied with the Protestants, the Malcontents executed several plots to seize power.

Due to her inclination for her two elder brothers, Margaret initially denounced the plot in which her husband was involved, but later turned her coat in the hope of becoming an indispensable link between moderate Catholic supporters and her King of Navarre's Huguenot supporters.

In April 1574 the conspiracy was exposed, the leaders of the plot were arrested and decapitated, including Joseph Boniface de La Mole, pretended lover of Margaret. After the failure of the conspiracy, Francis and Henry were held as prisoners at the Château de Vincennes. Margaret wrote a letter pleading for her husband, the Supporting Statement for Henry of Bourbon. She recorded in her Memoirs:

My husband, having no counsellor to assist him, desired me to draw up his defence in such a manner that he might not implicate any person, and, at the same time, clear my brother and himself from any criminality of conduct. With God's help I accomplished this task to his great satisfaction, and to the surprise of the commissioners, who did not expect to find them so well prepared to justify themselves.

After Charles IX's death, at the accession of Henry III of France, Francis and Henry were left at liberty (albeit under surveillance) and even allowed at court, but the new king did not forgive or forget Margaret's betrayal.

Relations between Henry and Margaret deteriorated. Margaret did not get pregnant even though Henry continued his to pay his marital debt assiduously. But he had many mistresses and openly deceived Margaret with Charlotte de Sauve, member of Queen-Mother's notorious "Flying Squadron." Charlotte also provoked a quarrel between Alençon and Navarre, both her lovers, spoiling Margaret's attempt at forming an alliance between her husband and youngest brother.

This episode may give the impression that despite frequent infidelity, the marriage was a solid political alliance. In reality, Henry only approached his wife when it served her interests, but did not hesitate to abandon her if it suited his own interests. For her part, Margaret might have availed herself of the absence of jealousy of her husband to take a lover in the person of the famous Bussy d'Amboise.

Alençon and Navarre finally managed to escape, one in September 1575 and the other in 1576. Henry did not even warn his wife of his departure. Margaret found herself confined to her chambers in the Louvre, under suspicion as her husband's accomplice. She wrote in her Memoirs:

Besides, I had found a secret pleasure, during my confinement, from the perusal of good books, to which I had given myself up with a delight I never before experienced. [...] My captivity and its consequent solitude afforded me the double advantage of exciting a passion for study, and an inclination for devotion, advantages I had never experienced during the vanities and splendour of my prosperity.

Alençon, who allied himself with the Huguenots, took up arms and refused to negotiate until his sister was captured. She was therefore released and assisted her mother in the peace talks. They led to a text extremely beneficial to the Protestants and to Alençon: the Edict of Beaulieu.

Henry of Navarre, who had once again converted to the Protestant faith, sought to have Margaret join him in his kingdom of Navarre. During this conflict, they reconciled to the point that she reported pertinent information from the court in her letters. But Catherine de' Medici and Henry III refused to release her to her husband, fearing that Margaret would become a hostage in the hands of the Huguenots or that she would act to strengthen the alliance between Navarre and Alençon. However, Catherine was persuaded that Henry of Navarre could potentially change religion yet again, and used her daughter as bait to attract him to Paris.

Diplomatic mission in Flanders

In 1577, Margaret asked permission to go on a mission in the south of the Netherlands on behalf of her younger brother Francis d'Alençon. The Flemings, who had rebelled against Spanish rule in 1576, seemed willing to offer a throne to a foreign prince who was tolerant and willing to provide them with the diplomatic and military forces necessary to protect their independence. Henry III accepted the proposal of his sister because he would finally release the inconvenient duke of Alençon.

On the pretext of a bath in Spa thermal waters, Margaret left Paris with her gorgeous court. She devoted two months to her mission: at every stage of the journey, during brilliant receptions, the queen of Navarre was entertained with gentlemen hostile to Spain and, while praising his brother, she tried to persuade them to join him. She also met the governor of the Netherlands, Don Juan of Austria, with whom he had a friendly meeting in Namur. Almost one quarter of her Memoirs are devoted to this mission. For Margaret, returning to France was dangerous with the risk that the Spanish would capture her.

At the end, despite the contacts Margaret had found, the duke d'Alençon was incapable of defeating the Spanish army.

After reporting her mission to her younger brother, Margaret returned to the court. The fighting multiplied between Henry III's mignons and Alençon's supporters, in the forefront of which Bussy d'Amboise, a lover of Margaret. In 1578 Alençon asked to be absent. But Henry III saw in it the proof of his participation in a conspiracy: he had him arrested in the middle of the night, and kept him in his room, where Margaret joined him. As for Bussy, he was taken to the Bastille. A few days later, Francis fled again, thanks to a rope thrown out of his sister's window.

Court of Nérac

Shortly afterwards, Margaret, who denied any participation in this escape, finally got permission to join her husband. Catherine also saw the years pass and still had no heir. She hoped for a new wedding and invited her son-in-law to act as a good husband. Perhaps Henry III and the Queen-Mother also hoped that Margaret could play a conciliation role in the troubled provinces of the southwest.

For her return with her husband, Margaret was accompanied by her mother and her chancellor, a renowned humanist, magistrate and poet, Guy Du Faur de Pibrac. This journey was an opportunity for entering the cities crossed, a way of forging closer ties with the reigning family. At the end of their journey, they finally found the King of Navarre. Catherine and her son-in-law agreed on the modalities of the execution of the last edict of pacification - the object of the Nérac conference in 1579. Then the Queen-Mother returned to Paris.

After her departure, the spouses stayed briefly in Pau where Margaret suffered from the prohibition of Catholic worship. They then settled in Nérac, capital of the Albret, which was part of the kingdom of France and where the religious regulations and intolerance in force in Béarn did not apply:

Our residence, for the most part of the time I have mentioned, was Nérac, where our Court was so brilliant that we had no cause to regret our absence from the Court of France. We had with us the Princesse de Navarre, my husband's sister; there were besides a number of ladies belonging to myself. The King my husband was attended by a numerous body of lords and gentlemen, all as gallant persons as I have seen in any Court; and we had only to lament that they were Huguenots. [...] Sometimes we took a walk in the park on the banks of the river, bordered by an avenue of trees three thousand yards in length. The rest of the day was passed in innocent amusements; and in the afternoon, or at night, we commonly had a ball.

Queen Margaret worked to create a refined court. She was indeed forming a true literary academy. Besides Agrippa d'Aubigné, Navarre's companion in arms, and Pibrac, the poet Saluste du Bartas or Montaigne frequented the court. Margaret had many exchanges with the author of the Essays.

The court of Nérac became especially famous for the amorous adventures that occurred there, to the point of having inspired Shakespeare's Love's Labour's Lost. Margaret had an affair with one of the most illustrious companions of her husband, the Vicomte de Turenne. Henry of Navarre, on his side, endeavored to conquer all the maids of honor who accompanied his wife. In 1579 a religious war, later called the "Lovers' War", broke out between the Huguenots and King Henry III.

The conflict was provoked by the misapplication of the last edict of pacification and by a conflict between Navarre and the lieutenant-general of the king in Guyenne, a province in which Henry was governor. During the conflict, Margaret rather took the side of her husband. It lasted briefly (1579-1580), thanks in part to the queen of Navarre who suggested calling her brother Alençon to lead the negotiations. They were rapid and culminated in the peace of Fleix.

It is then that Margaret fell in love with the grand equerry of her brother, Jacques de Harlay, lord of Champvallon. The letters she addressed to him illustrate her conception of love, imprinted with Neoplatonism. It was a matter of privileging the union of minds with that of the bodies - which did not mean that Margaret did not appreciate physical love - to bring about the fusion of souls.

After the departure of Alençon, the situation of Margaret deteriorated. One of her lady-in-waiting, Françoise de Montmorency-Fosseux a 14-year-old girl, known as La Belle Fosseuse, was conducting a passionate affair with the King of Navarre and became pregnant. Margaret proposed banishing her rival from court, but La Belle Fosseuse screamed that she would refuse to cooperate. She never ceased to incite Henry against his wife, hoping perhaps to be married to him. "From that moment until the hour of [his mistress's] delivery, which was a few months after, [my husband] never spoke to me. [...] We slept in separate beds in the same chamber, and had done so for some time", remembered Margaret.

Françoise finally gave birth to a daughter, but the child was stillborn. "It pleased God that she should bring forth a daughter since dead" wrote the queen in her Memoirs.

Scandal in Paris

In 1582, Margaret returned to Paris. She failed to give her an heir to her husband that would have strengthened her position. However, the real reasons for her departure were obscure. No doubt she wanted to escape from an atmosphere that became hostile, perhaps also to approach her lover Champvallon, or to support her younger brother Alençon. Moreover, King Henry III and the Queen-Mother urged her to return, hoping thus to attract the King of Navarre to the court of France.

Queen Margaret was initially well received by her brother the King. Margaret maintained an active correspondence with her husband and she tried to convince him to reach her in Paris. But Henry of Navarre did not get persuaded and the rupture between husband and wife took place when Margaret hunted La Belle Foussese from her service on the order of Queen-Mother. After this new break with her husband, from November 1582 to August 1583, the queen of Navarre resumed the relationship with Champvallon, who had returned to Paris.

In the meanwhile, the relation between Margaret and her brother Henry III had become very strained. While the King alternated dissolute life and crises of mysticism, Margaret encouraged mockery against his morals and she made enemies two of his chief mignons the Duke of Epernon and the Duke of Joyeuse, who retaliated by circulating very injurious reports about her private life. In addition Margaret encouraged Alençon to continue his expedition to the Netherlands, which King Henry III wished to interrupt, fearing a war with Spain.

When in June 1583 she fell sick, rumors claimed she had been pregnant with Champvallon. Henri III was soon scandalized by her reputation and behavior, and expelled her from the court, an unprecedented measure that made scandal in Europe, because Margaret's departure was accompanied by humiliations. The Queen's court was stopped by the Henry III's guards and some of her servants was arrested and interrogated by the King himself, especially about a possible birth of a bastard child by Jacques de Harlay or an abortion.

Moreover, warned of the rumors, the King of Navarre refused to receive his wife. He gave Henry III embarrassed explanations, then compensations. The Queen of Navarre remained for eight months in uncertainty between the French and Navarre courts, waiting for the negotiations to be concluded. The Huguenot warlords found there the casus belli they were waiting for and Navarre took advantage of it to seize Mont-de-Marsan, which Henry III agreed to cede to him to close the incident.

On 13 April 1584, after long negotiations, Margaret was allowed to return to her husband's court in Navarre, but she received an icy reception. The situation got worse. In June 1584 her brother Francis died and she missed her most valuable ally. With Alençon's death Henry of Navarre became heir presumptive to the French throne and he was under increased pressure to produce an heir. In 1585, his new lover Diane d'Andouins, nicknamed La Belle Corisande, pressed the King of Navarre to repudiate Margaret, hoping to be married to him.

Rebellion and imprisonment

In 1585, with an unprecedented gesture for a Queen of the sixteenth century, Margaret abandoned her husband. She rallied the Catholic League, which united as well the intransigent Catholics with the people hostile to the policy of her family and her husband. Determined to overcome her difficulties, Margaret masterminded a coup d'état and seized power over Agen, one of her appanages. The Queen of Navarre spent several months fortifying the city. Recruiting troops, she sent them to the assault of the cities around Agen.

But, tired of the Queen's demands, the Agenais revolted and agreed with the lieutenant of Henry III. At the arrival of the royal troops, Margaret had to flee precipitately. Refusing her mother's pleas that she move to a royal manor, and retreating to her lofty and impregnable fortress of Carlat with Jean de Lard de Galard, seigneur d'Aubiac, her pretended lover, whom she appointed captain of her guards.

After a year, probably because of the approach of the royal troops, Margaret took refuge in the castle of Ibois, a little to the north of Auvergne, which was proposed to her by her mother. But she found herself besieged by the royal troops who seized the fortress. She waited nearly a month for a decision on her fate.

On 13 October 1586, Margaret was imprisoned by her brother Henry III in the castle of Usson, in Auvergne. D'Aubiac was executed, despite Catherine de' Medici's wish, in front of Margaret. Margaret assumed she was going to die and in a "farewell" letter to the Queen-Mother, she asked that after her execution a post-mortem be held to prove that she was not, despite gossip, pregnant with d'Aubiac's child.

But suddenly, her gaoler, the Marquis de Canillac, switched from the royal side in the civil war to that of the Catholic League and released her in early 1587. Rumors at the court of France reported that she seduced him, but most probably he was bought by her. Her freedom suited the League perfectly: her continued existence guaranteed that Henry of Navarre would remain without an heir.

Despite the acquisition of freedom, Margaret decided to stay in the castle of Usson, where she spent eighteen years. Of her life in Usson there was very few reliable information, so a lot of legends gathered around it. Here she learned of her mother's death and of her brother Henry III's assassination in 1589. Her husband, Henry of Navarre, became King of France under the name of Henri IV. He was, however, not accepted by most of the Catholic population until he converted four years later.

During this time, Margaret was able to train, as she had done at Nérac, a new court of intellectuals, musicians and writers. She did restore the castle and committed her time to reading many works, especially religious and esoteric. Even her financial condition improved when her sister-in-law, Elisabeth of Austria, with whom she always had good relations, began sending her half of her income.

In 1594, Margaret received a letter from her friend Pierre de Bourdeille, known as Brantôme, with whom she was in contact, a panegyric entitled Discours sur la Reine de France et de Navarre. In response to the poet's work, which on the admission of the Queen contained five or six mistakes and false rumors about her, she wrote her Memoirs. She was the first woman to have done so.

I have been induced to undertake writing my Memoirs the more from five or six observations which I have had occasion to make upon your work, as you appear to have been misinformed respecting certain particulars. For example, in that part where mention is made of Pau, and of my journey in France; likewise where you speak of the late Maréchal de Biron, of Agen, and of the sally of the Marquis de Canillac from that place.

Her work was dedicated to Brantôme, and it consisting of an autobiography from her infancy to 1582. The Memoirs were published posthumously in 1628. Queen Margaret was also visited by writers, beginning with the faithful Brantôme, but also Honoré d'Urfé, who was no doubt inspired by Margaret to create the character of Galathee in L'Astrée, and Joseph Scaliger, who visited Usson in 1599.


By 1593, Henry IV first proposed to Margaret an annulment of their marriage. Margaret resumed contact with him to try to correct her financial situation. Her sterility was proven but she knew that the new King needed a legitimate son to consolidate his power. For this, he needed the support of his wife because he wished to marry again.

The negotiations began after the return of peace and Henry IV's return to Catholicism. To support the invalidity of the marriage with the pope, the King and Margaret put forward the sterility of their couple, their consanguinity, and the formal defects of the marriage. During the talks, the financial situation of the queen improved, but Henry thought of marrying his mistress, Gabrielle d'Estrees, mother of his son, César, who was legitimized in 1595. Margaret refused to endorse a dishonorable remarriage: "It is repugnant to me to put in my place a woman of such low extraction and of so impure a life as the one about whom rumor speaks."

So she stopped the negotiations, but after the providential death of Gabrielle from eclampsia, Margaret returned to her demand for reasons of conscience, in exchange for strong financial compensation and the right to retain the use of her royal title. Clement VIII pronounced the cancellation bull on 24 October 1599. Later, on 17 December 1599, the Archbishop of Arles pronounced the annulment of Henry's marriage to Margaret of Valois. A year later Henry IV married Marie de' Medici, who nine months later gave him a son.

Following the annulment of the marriage, the good relations between the two former spouses continued. After twenty years of exile, Margaret entered the graces of the King of France. Her case was not foreseen by custom, but her new position allowed her to receive in Usson new visitors charmed by the cultural quality of this "new Parnassus" and the generosity of their hostess.

On the other hand, well-established in the Auvergne and well-informed, she did not fail to spot the schemes of the Count of Auvergne, bastard son of King Charles IX of France and uterine brother of Henriette d'Entragues - a mistress evicted by King Henry IV. Duly informed, the King ordered in 1604 the capture of the conspirator and the confiscation of all his property. Queen Margaret ought in her time to have inherited from Auvergne a property belonging to her mother, Catherine de' Medici, who had disinherited her from her brother Henry III's schemes for the benefit of this ally. Margaret initiated a long trial and the King allowed her to return to Paris to manage her legal case.

Last years in Paris

In 1605, after nineteen years in Usson, Margaret made her return to the capital. She has changed little - at least as far as her tastes are concerned; as for the physical, when she became "horribly stout", according to Tallemant des Réaux.

In Paris Queen Margaret established herself as a mentor of the arts and benefactress of the poor. She is also now very devout and Vincent de Paul is one time her chaplain.

In 1606 she managed to win the lawsuit against her nephew and gained the entire maternal inheritance. After this, Margaret named her universal heir the dauphin Louis. This was an extremely important political move for the Bourbon family, as it made official the dynastic transition between the Valois family, of which Queen Margaret was the last legitimate descendant and that of Bourbon dynasty, just settled on the throne of France.

It only strengthened the friendship that had been created with Queen Marie de' Medici, to delegitimize the claims of Henriette d'Entragues, sister of Charles of Valois and lover of Henry IV, who claimed that her son was the legitimate heir for a King's promise of marriage. She often helped plan events at court and nurtured the children of Henry IV and Marie. In 1608, at the birth of Prince Gaston of France, future Duke of Orleans, she was chosen by the King himself to be the godmother of new born.

She settled her household on the Left Bank of the Seine, in the Hostel de la Reyne Margueritte that is illustrated in Merian's 1615 plan of Paris (illustration); the hostel was built for her to designs by Jean Bullant in 1609. It was eventually demolished and partially replaced in 1640 by the Hôtel de La Rochefoucauld.

The palace became a Parisian, political and intellectual center. Queen Margaret gave brilliant receptions with theatrical performances and ballets that lasted until night and by great patrons, which opened a literary lounge where she organized a company of philosophers, poets and scholars (among them Marie de Gournay, Philippe Desportes, François Maynard, Etienne Pasquier, Théophile de Viau).

On 13 May 1610, Queen Margaret also attended Marie's coronation to Saint Denis. The following day, Henri IV was assassinated by the hand of the fanatic monk François Ravaillac and Marie de' Medici obtained the regency for the minor child.

The regent entrusted various diplomatic roles, including the reception of foreign ambassadors at court and in the Estates General in 1614, in which Margaret was charged with negotiating with clergy representatives. This was her last public assignment.

Early in March 1615, Margaret was dangerously ill. She died in her Hostel de la Reyne Marguerite, on 27 March 1615. "On March 27 - wrote Paul Phélypeaux de Pontchartrain - there died in Paris, Queen Margaret, the sole survivor of the race of Valois; a princess full of kindness and good intentions for the welfare and repose of the State".

Queen Margaret was buried in the funerary chapel of the Valois in the Basilica of St. Denis. Her casket has disappeared and it is not known whether it was removed and transferred when work was done at the chapel, or destroyed during the French Revolution.

Maps Margaret of Valois


Myth of Queen Margot

Queen Margaret's life is obscured by the legend of "Queen Margot", the myth of a nymphomaniac and incestuous woman in a damned family. Many slanders were spread throughout the life of the princess, but those in The Satiric Divorce (Le Divorce Satyrique) pamphlet probably written by Théodore Agrippa d'Aubigné versus King Henry IV were the ones that were most successful and were subsequently handed down as if they had been established.

By 1630, after Day of the Dupes, Cardinal Richelieu and his historians initiated a campaign against Marie de' Medici, a systematic discrediting of all women and their political role revived Margaret's black legend.

It is in the 19th century that the myth of Queen Margot was born. The nickname was invented by Alexandre Dumas père who titled his first novel on the Trilogy of Valois: La Reine Margot (1845), describing in the novel the St. Bartholomew's Day massacre and the intrigues of subsequent courtesies. The historian Jules Michelet instead exploited the figure of Princess Valois to denounce the "depravity" of the Ancien Régime.

Between the 19th and 20th centuries some historians such as Count Léo de Saint-Poincy sought to rehabilitate the figure of the queen, trying to discern the scandals from reality, depicting it as a woman who challenged the turmoil of the civil war, and that she had never felt less than her brothers, even wanting to participate in the affairs of the kingdom, thus also addressing the political behavior of Margaret in addition to private life. However, these studies remained marginal and did not affect official texts.

Only since the 1990s some historians such as Éliane Viennot, Robert J. Sealy and Kathleen Wellman have contributed to rehabilitating the image of the last Valois and to remember the distinction between the historical figure of Margaret of Valois and the legend of Queen Margot. However, literary works and cinematographic works, such as La Reine Margot by Patrice Chéreau, continued to perpetuate the image of an obscene and lustful woman.

In literature and fiction

The 1845 novel of Alexandre Dumas, père, La Reine Margot, is a fictionalised account of the events surrounding Margaret's marriage to Henry of Navarre.

The novel was adapted into a 1994 French film, La Reine Margot in which the role of Margaret was played by the popular French actress Isabelle Adjani.

The main action of William Shakespeare's early comedy Love's Labour's Lost (1594-1595) is based on an attempt at reconciliation, made in 1578, between Margaret and Henry.

Margaret is portrayed by Constance Talmadge in D.W. Griffith's 1916 film Intolerance.

La Reine Margot appears in Jean Plaidy's novel, Myself, My Enemy a fictional memoir of Queen Henrietta Maria, consort of King Charles I of England. A chance meeting between the young Princesse Henriette and the elderly reine Margot at the celebration of marriage of Henriette's brother, Louis XIII of France, and Anne of Austria, hints to the reader about the fascinating character that Margaret of Valois was. She also features in Jean Plaidy's 'Medici' Trilogy which focuses on her mother, Catherine de Medici - mostly in the second book The Italian Woman, and also in the third book, Queen Jezebel. Sophie Perinot's 2015 'Medici's Daughter' covers Margaret's adolescence and the early days of her marriage.

Margaret of Valois also has a major role in the Meyerbeer opera Les Huguenots. This was one of Joan Sutherland's signature roles and she performed it for her farewell performance for the Australian Opera in 1990.

The book Médicis Daughter by novelist Sophie Perinot (Thomas Dunne, 2015) offered a coming of age story of this youngest Valois princess.

Margot was portrayed by Rebecca Liddiard in the series finale of the television series Reign.




  • Pierre de Bourdeille, seigneur de Brantôme, Illustrious Dames of the Court of the Valois Kings. Translated by Katharine Prescott Wormeley. New York: Lamb, 1912. OCLC 347527.
  • Jacqueline Boucher, Deux épouses et reines à la fin du XVIe siècle: Louise de Lorraine et Marguerite de France, Saint-Étienne, Presses universitaires de Saint-Étienne, 1998, ISBN 978-2862720807. (in French)
  • David Buisseret, Henry IV, King of France, New York: Routledge, 1990. ISBN 0-04-445635-2.
  • Cesarina Casanova, Regine per caso. Donne al governo in età moderna, Bari, Editori Laterza, 2014. ISBN 978-88-581-0991-5. (in Italian)
  • Jean Castarède, La triple vie de la reine Margot, Éditions France-Empire, Paris, 1992, ISBN 2-7048-0708-6. (in French)
  • Benedetta Craveri, Amanti e regine. Il potere delle donne, Milano, Adelphi, 2008, ISBN 978-88-459-2302-9. (in Italian)
  • Leonie Frieda, Catherine de Medici. London: Phoenix, 2005. ISBN 0-7538-2039-0.
  • Janine Garrisson, Marguerite de Valois, Paris, Fayard, 1994. (in French)
  • Nancy Goldstone, The Rival Queens, Little Brown and Company, 2015.
  • Charlotte Haldane, Queen of Hearts: Marguerite of Valois, 1553-1615, London: Constable, 1968.
  • Marc P. Holt, The French Wars of Religion, 1562-1629, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005.
  • Robert J. Knecht, The French Wars of Religion, 1559-1598, 1989
  • Robert J. Knecht, Catherine de' Medici. London and New York: Longman, 1998. ISBN 0-582-08241-2.
  • Michel Moisan, L'exil auvergnat de Marguerite de Valois (la reine Margot) : Carlat-Usson, 1585-1605, Editions Creer, 1999. (in French)
  • Alain Mourgue, Margot, reine d'Usson, Editions Le Manuscrit, 2008. (in French)
  • Julianne Pidduck, La Reine Margot, London and New York, I.B. Tauris, 2005. ISBN 1-84511-100-1.
  • Vincent J. Pitts, Henri IV of France; His Reign and Age, JHU Press, 2009.
  • Robert J. Sealy, The Myth of Reine Margot: Toward the Elimination of a Legend, Peter Lang Publishing, 1994.
  • Nicola Mary Sutherland, The Massacre of St. Bartholomew and the European conflict, 1559-1572 (1973)
  • Éliane Viennot, Marguerite de Valois. La reine Margot, Paris, Perrin, 2005 ISBN 2-262-02377-8. (in French)
  • Kathleen Wellman, Queens and Mistresses of Renaissance France, 2013
  • Hugh Noel Williams, Queen Margot, wife of Henry of Navarre, New York, Harper and brothers, 1907.
  • Marguerite of Valois, Memoirs of Marguerite de Valois, written by herself, New York, Merrill & Baker, 1800

See also

  • Henry IV of France's wives and mistresses
  • Augusta Leigh
  • Marguerite de Ravalet

External links

  • Media related to Marguerite de Valois at Wikimedia Commons
  • Works by Margaret of Valois at Project Gutenberg
  • Works by or about Margaret of Valois at Internet Archive
  • Memoirs of Marguerite de Valois (in English):
    • New York, Charles Scribners, 1892, translated by Violet Fane. View at Google Books [1].
    • Boston, L. C. Page, 1899 . Vew at Project Gutenberg [2] or Google Books [3].
  • Image at cybersybils.net
  • Image at pandemonium.tiscali.de

Source of the article : Wikipedia
